Friday, December 2, 2011

Back from the dead

I do this weird thing sometimes where I'll give something a good, solid try for a while, and then stop.  This doesn't happen because I get bored of it, necessarily.  Rather, it happens because I get busy with something else and flat out forget about it.

In this case I was too busy singing and dancing in the streets to blog, but I'm all done with that and back to stay, I promise.  I've been pepper-sprayed one too many times in the last few weeks and blogging is much safer.

Now this doesn't mean I was part of the Occupy protests, because those people are silly and think that real change comes from people camping in parks.  I'm just trying to manufacture a meme as funny as pepper-spray cop.

Up next, watch as I apply critical thinking to and deconstruct Hoobastank lyrics!

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