Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Highway Driving: You're Doing It Wrong.

Quick post here, because I've got this on the brain and have no time. I might step on a few toes here, including mine (ever seen a retarded riverdance before?) and I apologize, but I'll save the real toe-stomping for next time.

Did you know that following somebody super close in traffic doesn't help anything?

This just happened to me. Something I've started doing recently (I don't always do it, hence my disclaimer in the first paragraph -- I'm not perfect) is leaving about six car-lengths in front of me when I'm driving down the highway, especially if it's stop and go. Reason being? More reaction time means that a) less chance of a rear-end collision, b) if I need to slow down, it's easier and I usually don't need to brake AT ALL, which c) saves gas, and d) if I don't need to brake it starts to break up that annoying freeway 'accordion effect,' which can help you get where you're going faster.

It's also not incredibly irritating to the person in front of you because you're not tailgating them. This apparently makes no sense to some people, such as the Prius that was tailgating me for about two miles and then suddenly swung out, passed me on the right, and settled in to tailgate the guy in front of me.

I can picture that guy swearing up a storm because I was leaving so much space, and I can also picture his sense of satisfaction on cutting off that jerk, me, who obviously has one too many little old lady genes and has no idea how to drive.

I can also picture me passing him two miles later and merging three cars ahead of him on the off-ramp, because that totally happened. See, tailgating does not help and can only cause tears. Tears of anger.

So next time you're stuck behind some moron in traffic and there seems to be room in front of him, consider that possibly he's just trying to save brakes or gas or might even be trying to get where he's going faster. Also consider that the fact he's driving slow probably has less to do with how much he hates you and more to do with the eleventy-billion cars in front of him.

Yes, eleventy-billion is a number. Look it up. Actually, don't. I saved you the trouble. Here.

So as with so many things in life, the golden rule applies. Don't be a dick, as you would have others not be a dick to you.

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